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Molly Robinette recognized for research

Molly Robinette, an undergraduate student in the Sports Medicine and Movement Lab, won third place at Auburn University's Student Research Symposium in the undergraduate oral presentation category. She presented on her research titled, "The effects of foot and knee kinematics on knee kinetics in youth baseball pitching."


Robinette also presented at the 2024 National Conference on Undergraduate Research in Long Beach, California, held April 8-10, where more than 4,700 undergraduate student researchers were in attendance. 

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Ben Lerch Wins 1st Place Award at SEACSM

Ben Lerch, a graduate student in the Sports Medicine and Movement Laboratory, won first place in the SEACSM Student Poster Contest: Master's Division.


Comparison of In-game Trunk and Upper Extremity Kinematics between Pitch Types in Collegiate Baseball Pitchers


Ben said: "It is an honor to be selected as the winner of the Master's Student Poster Session at Southeast ACSM's annual meeting. I am grateful for the support of Dr. Gretchen Oliver and my co-authors who helped me throughout the entire process. Conducting research in the Sports Medicine and Movement Lab is a fulfilling experience, and I am fortunate for the opportunity to showcase the impact of our work."


Student Research Symposium Winners

Regan Shaw: 1st place poster for University-Wide Undergraduate Student Winner in Human Sciences, Social Sciences, Creative Arts, and Humanities                

Comparison of knee valgus during the single leg squat and softball pitch


Regan said: “I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to work under Dr. Oliver and to have presented my research at the Auburn University Student Research Symposium. I am honored to have received the award for 1st place poster. I have loved working in Dr. Oliver’s Sports Medicine & Movement Lab and, hopefully, was able to help her in the furtherance of her research.”


Abigail Cramer: Undergraduate Student Winner for College of Education


Trunk lateral flexion differences between the fastball and curveball in collegiate softball pitchers


Abby said: "To be selected as the Undergraduate Student Winner in the College of Education for the 2020 Student Research Symposium is such an honor. This was the first research competition I have been apart of and I am so thankful for the experience. I learned and grew so much through the process. I could not of accomplished this honor without the help of Jessica Downs and Dr. Gretchen Oliver. These two support, encourage, and challenge me daily with my research. I can't wait to see what else is in store for me during my time in the Sport's Medicine and Movement Lab at Auburn University."

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